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Am Einlass werden Sicherheits- und Taschenkontrollen durchgeführt; nur kleine Taschen bix max. DIN A4 Größe sind erlaubt. Eine Abgabe größerer Taschen, Rucksäcke sowie sperriger Gegenstände ist kostenpflichtig und beträgt 5,00 EUR (am Container im Hof). Eine Übersicht aller nicht mitzuführenden Gegenstände finden Sie HIER.

ISMO - "Woo Woo! World Tour"

ISMO is often called “the most insightful comic in Finland.” Now a resident in the United States, he continues to be the ultimate observer of culture and master of word-play. His sharp writing and uniquely hilarious delivery makes quick-fans of people of all backgrounds.

No matter where you are in the world, ISMO has an undeniable ability to make people see

familiar cultural norms in an entirely new way! ISMO’s WOO HOO! WORLD TOUR kicks

off in Australia and New Zealand in November 2024 and will expand across the U.S., Europe,

Canada and beyond in 2025.

ISMO was the first Finnish comedian to perform on CONAN and the clip of his performance has become one of the most viewed late-night sets with over 135 million views! His debut

appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden brought an overwhelming response and new level of success, garnering astronomical growth on his social media. ISMO hit the road almost non-stop with sold-out performances in clubs and theaters internationally.

He attracted big fans such as Gabriel Iglesias who asked ISMO to open for his groundbreaking special at Dodger Stadium in front of 60,000 fans. Later in 2023 ISMO opened for Gabriel at the 02 Arena in London. ISMO went on to sell-out his own European tour, adding a 2nd show in each city with plans for a larger-scale return in 2025.

Check out ISMO’s social media for weekly stand up clips and hilarious thoughts from the road. You can sign up for ISMO’s newsletter to get tour updates, exclusive merch offers and special announcements at: https://www.ismo.fun

Veranstalter: d2m berlin GmbH

Adresse Theater:

Admiralspalast Berlin
Friedrichstr. 101
10117 Berlin


Service & Informationen:

Alle wichtigen Informationen zum Theater u.a. Anreise und das Parken vor Ort.

Termine & Tickets

28 Mai 2025 Mi, 20:00
ISMO - "Woo Woo! World Tour"

ISMO - "Woo Woo! World Tour"

Tickets per Telefon

01806 101011

Mo-So 10-18 Uhr
(0,20 €/Anruf inkl. MwSt aus allen dt. Netzen)

Weitere Events in unserem Theater

Theater / Anfahrt / Service
Admiralspalast Berlin

Adresse Theater:

Admiralspalast Berlin
Friedrichstr. 101
10117 Berlin


Bei Anfragen per Mail bitte im Betreff "Admiralspalast" mit angeben.


Service & Informationen:

Alle wichtigen Informationen zum Theater u.a. Anreise und das Parken vor Ort.

Tickethotline / Theaterkasse



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