Swans - The Beggar

Am 23.06.23 erscheint „The Beggar“ auf Mute Records, das 16. Studioalbum der Swans, aufgenommen von Ingo Kraus im Candy Bomber Studio in Berlin. Neben Beiträgen von neuen und alten Swans Mitgliedern ist unter anderem auch Ben Frost auf der Platte zu hören. Live präsentieren die Swans das für ihre Verhältnisse vergleichsweise ruhige aber extrem intensive Album am 21.11.23 im Admiralspalast

“After numerous pandemic-induced cancellations of tours for the previous Swans album leaving meaning, and an apparent bottomless pit of waiting, waiting, waiting, and the strange disorientation that came with this sudden but interminable forced isolation I decided it was time to write songs for a new Swans album and forget about everything else. They came relatively easily, always informed by the suspicion that these could be my last. When I finally was able to travel, songs in hand, to Berlin to work with my friends recording this record, the feeling was akin to the moment in The Wizard of Oz when the film changes from Black and White to Color. Now I’m feeling quite optimistic. My favourite color is pink. I hope you enjoy the album.” – Michael Gira

Veranstalter: Headquarter Entertainment

Adresse Theater:

Admiralspalast Berlin
Friedrichstr. 101
10117 Berlin


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Tickets per Telefon

01806 101011

Mo-So 10-18 Uhr
(0,20 €/Anruf inkl. MwSt aus allen dt. Netzen)

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Admiralspalast Berlin

Adresse Theater:

Admiralspalast Berlin
Friedrichstr. 101
10117 Berlin


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